Recently, my good friend NICOLE HART told me that I needed to get to WINSMITH MILL MARKET. She had popped in and basically couldn't believe everything that was there. In fact she didn't even make it through the building, there was so much to see. So I said, of course. And so we took a trip to this repurposed warehouse, set in Norwood, MA. I literally could not believe how much there was to see. Not only that, I couldn't believe how good the prices were for everything. We've all been to stores where there's great vintage items but the price tag makes them unattainable, and you just don't see that here. I didn't even make it through the entire building, it was incredible. And each store has its own special vibe and items for sale. Here, I've chosen six of them to share, though there are many more, and I've tried to show at least a taste of what each store offers. But definitely stop by if you have a chance, it is a special place for sure. Plan to spend at least a few hours, there is a lot to see and you'll want to see it all! To kick us off, here is a great store that features not only the unique Chalk Paint used to create a host of vintage looks in furniture and housewares, but also various decorative pieces and home décor. MADDEN BLUE

Madden Blue is a beautiful shop that carries decorative housewares, gifts and is perhaps best known for carrying Annie Sloan's CHALK PAINT. In fact, they are one of only several purveyors in the New England area. So what is Chalk Paint? Good question. Chalk Paint was invented by ANNIE SLOAN in 1990 and is capable of serving a variety of painting needs because it can be put on different kinds of surfaces. Its name derives from the paint's velvety matte finish and its ability to literally go onto any surface without requiring even a primer. It sounds ludicrous, but you can paint furniture, walls, floors, and probably things we don't even know about yet. The UK and essentially any decorator worth their weight have known about this for some time now but it wasn't until recently that a patent was given to sell Chalk Paint in the US. Madden Blue carries this in a variety of colors, visible on a beautiful display of painted stools when you first walk in the door.

In addition to selling the paint in a color palette that reflects 18th and 20th century design, the store also offers workshops to help those not outwardly inclined to try do it yourself projects. You can sign up on the store's website, and they are very nice, I can tell you myself. They will also give you demo's on the spot, not only in how to apply the paint, but also how to distress your work and add the additional and optional wax element to your project.

Previously I mentioned the option of adding wax to the dried paint. Wax is available to not only add a layer of durability to your newly painted surface, but it also creates a nice sheen that allows each individual to control the eventual appearance of their piece. A little bit of wax goes a very long way, and honestly you are probably able to buy one container for just about all the projects you'll create. Unless you get really involved and just go crazy. Madden Blue has beautiful displays full of the different kinds of brushes you can use to apply your wax. They are almost reminiscent of horse grooming brushes and add a kind of elegance to different corners of the shop. For Annie Sloan herself to give you her take on all your extra needs, take a look HERE.

In addition to the Chalk Paint however, you'll be sure to find various items of interest around the room. There is a full display of beautiful knobs in the center of the store as well as other pockets, which are wonderful to either buy for your newly chalk-painted desk, or to just compare to colors when deciding what shade might be best. Items including bags, soaps, and other hardware elements create a creative and welcoming environment. When you combine this with the demos, you're not going to want to leave.

Travel a little bit down the hall and you will come across Chanel Shabby Rose, a wonderful little shop that is reminiscent of the antique french aesthetic so many shabby chic magazines strive to achieve. The store contains a multitude of different items. CHANEL SHABBY ROSE

CHANEL SHABBY ROSE has three different dealers contributing to the store, each with their own style and taste. The store specializes in ornate painted furniture, industrial items and jewelry. One loop around the place and you will find a variety of items that while sometimes quite different in function and time period, all seem to compliment each other very well. There are clocks, handmade picture frames, lamps, ornate glasses and a host of other things, all very nicely laid out together. Be sure to check every little area or you may miss a small book or trinket.

One of the very first stores to greet you when you enter is the VINTAGE PEACOCK. The Vintage Peacock carries a plethora of items from all walks of life, and in fact there is such a variety that the layout is subdivided into different small rooms, each featuring items that compliment one another, and help you as a shopper see how things can possibly go together in your own home. VINTAGE PEACOCK

What I loved about this store was that you could literally find any item you were looking for in some capacity. And in each case, there was a variety. They specialize in antiques, furniture and repurposed items but there was it seemed a lot more than that. I found some really wonderful tea sets, dishes and old place settings and they came in a number of colors, materials and patterns.

A lot of fantastic older signs, tins, containers and bins had a gentle rust to them that just looked worn in and great. Any of them could be put up in a room to add age or a sense of nostalgia. Or in many cases, they could also prove functional in addition to looking great.

One of my favorite rooms in the store was that with the children's pieces. Blocks, old cars, horses, it was all great. And I think any of it could make a room pretty special. There were wall hangings made of old wood in various colors that I hadn't seen since I was very little. These held small trinkets and toys and can be mounted on the wall.

Old clocks here were made of beautiful materials and I would love to have them all. Rooms full of furniture that would complete any shabby chic living room just went on and on. There was so much to see here, and it was all reasonably priced. I wouldn't lie. I didn't even know what to do with myself.

Small touches were everywhere in addition to the larger furniture pieces. You could comb through a room for such a long time and still be finding things. The store was put together in such a nice way that if you wanted to leave off in one room, you could just pick back up the next time you came. Although I don't think you'll want to stop once you start.

There are multiple levels to the building, and on the second floor is a fun, funky store called Salvage Angel. SALVAGE ANGEL

Salvage Angel specializes in selling antiques, original art, salvage art, collectibles and unique gifts. This store has a number of vendors that each have their own tastes, and these can vary from furniture to the propeller of a plane (which I almost bought before I realized I had no idea where I'd hang it just yet...) There is also a great area full of old cameras and film. There were Super 8 cameras, projector screens, bins to hold film, I could go on.

Some of my favorite elements of this store were the more rustic ones. Here is the marvelous propeller I was lamenting not purchasing while there (they are heavy, just fyi). It had been shined up to this state and is beautiful in person. There were a lot of old metal pieces that hold up very well and again, have that taste of age that makes a room feel comfortable and look really great.

Not to be forgotten though is the furniture. This store definitely had some very unique pieces including dressers, fencing, lamps, etc. The list goes on and on! In addition, there were so many wonderful small touches. The glass shoes, the shoe molds, old postcards, horse shoe bookends. It was very fun to explore.

Located nearby on the second floor is Posh Design Center, a funky and eclectic store that has the capability to cater to both those looking for antiques as well as a more modern approach to design. POSH DESIGN CENTER

POSH DESIGN CENTER carries a host of designers, each with a different kind of item, but all seeming to blend together very nicely, once again enabling you as the customer to become inspired by how the items compliment one another. There is so much here from pillows to antique place settings to soaps, and the designers include: SUITE DECOR, TIME IS RELATIVE ART, TRANSFORMATIONS PAINTED FURNITURE, HANDMADE BY PAMELA LIZ, BELQUIST INTERIOR DECOR, GOLD LEAF DESIGN, COLE CRAFT BOUTIQUE, URBAN KITCHEN HANDMADE, AUNT KITTY'S KREATIONS, UNIQUE POTTERY BY SARA J. SILVA, THE NORTHMAN CROTCHETED COMFORTS, MATTER, BLUE GREEN BLUE, JUGAAD DESIGN, as well as quilted and sewn items by Lu-Ann Sullivan.

The store has a wide range of items and an almost sassy feel. There are old cameras and games, a whole children's area and lamps made out of very unique materials. But at the same time, the store also features wonderful soaps, antique sofas and actual design swatches. But it is arranged in such a way that you don't ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of design possibilities you're presented with.

Beautiful glassware can be found throughout the store. It became good practice to make sure to take a look literally everywhere in every store or you could miss something wonderful.

There are definitely some beautiful furniture pieces here that even taken out of their arrangement would all add pop to a room. The mirrors I saw in particular were just beautiful, and the way that lights and gold, and color all came together in parts of the store was something very special. In fact, the store is available for use for different galas and venues, and has an entire wall of glass. Furniture from Posh Designs is also rented out for spacing and event purposes. It's beautiful in person and in pictures, and if you are interested, the CAROLINE MAGGIACOMO, the store owner, is available to discuss details.

The final stop in our journey was a very fun store called Jumble Shop. This store was unique in having an entire section devoted to clothing as well as antique furniture and household items. JUMBLE SHOP

From the moment you walk into JUMBLE SHOP there is just so much to see. Tabletops, mirrors, dressers, trunks, glassware. It is all there and fortunately the store is large enough to showcase all of it without you feeling at any point like there is too much going on. Traveling from area to area though, you want to make sure you don't miss anything because there is a lot of good stuff to find!

I particularly loved this burlap encased notebook, seated next to a really lovely set of dishes. Just in the background you can see the beginnings of the clothing area. They had really wonderful one of a kind pieces, all picked out and assembled carefully.

There was a wonderful section of old cameras and household items. I would have loved to have gone home with a bunch of these things. Somehow I didn't, I think I was too excited and taking too many photos to grab anything in the process. But I'll have to go back!

Once again, noticing every detail in stores like this is important. I almost missed these bowling pins while fascinated by a whole set of old lights.

The lights that stole me away from the bowling pins. Everywhere you turn in this store there is something to see, and it is a good sized place, so you need to be sure to invest some time to come in and browse- it's definitely worth the time.

I hope you enjoyed exploring this space with me, and definitely go take a look at the place if you have the opportunity. I'm going back as soon as I can, and maybe then I'll calm down and actually be able to buy something! But if you've missed it, this is the WINSMITH MILL MARKET, 61 ENDICOTT STREET, NORWOOD, MA 02062. The hours of operation are Friday and Saturday 10-4, and Sunday 12-4. The Mill is accessible by car and has a parking lot, but if you're daring you can also take the commuter rail and walk a mile or so. Just be sure to have a way to transport all the things you're going to find back with you to the train!